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*BBC ¹æ¼ÛÀÇ Çâ±â¿ä¹ý º¸µµ
Thursday, 19 April, 2001, 07:18 GMT 08:18 UK
Aromatherapy 'all in the mind'

The positive powers of aromatherapy are all in the mind, say scientists.
Research by a team from the University of Munich found that water
had the same effect as expensive oils - as long as patients believed
they were being given the real thing.

The researchers tested oils which were supposed to make people feel
more alert.

Volunteers wore surgical masks, some of which were sprayed with
essential oil and others with plain water.

The researchers found there was no significant difference in reaction
times between people given the aromatherapy oil, and those given

The results imply that aromatherapy causes a placebo effect - where
patients actually become healthier when they believe they have been
given a wonder treatment.

The oils tested came from peppermint, jasmine and ylang-ylang. All are
commonly used by aromatherapists to increase alertness.

When the volunteers were asked to rate how stimulating, strong or
pleasant they found each spray, those who gave high ratings showed
better reaction times.

The researchers say this shows that if people think an oil is
stimulating, they get faster.

They now plan to test the effectiveness of massaging the oils into the
skin, to see if there is any effect when they are absorbed, rather than

Dr Richard Tonkin, of the Research Council for Complementary
Medicine, said aromatherapy was a useful technique.

He said: "The power of suggestion is a big factor in all medicine.

"The problem with the placebo effect is that it is regarded by most
people as a nuisance or a fake. But it isn't.

"It is a practical and positive effect that acts by catalysing the
self-healing mechanisms within a patient."

The aromatherapy market is worth ?4m a year in the UK.

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